
When you choose the school from the dropdown menu below, you will be able to view pricing per month and for yearly packages. If you register for one year, you will receive your first month of the Super Scientist program for free. A one-time registration fee of $75 is applied to every student’s application. Payment for registration and for the first month of Super Scientist is required for registration to be completed. 

 Refunds are not given if a child is picked up early by the parent or if the child is dismissed for behavioral issues. 

Any student may be dismissed from classes/camp due to repeated behavioral issues – without a refund. 

In cases of illness, a camper must be symptom-free for 24 hours or bring in a doctor’s note releasing them for camp. 

Final decisions regarding a child being excluded from classes/camp are made at the discretion of the Directors. 

As parent/legal guardian of the child named herein, I hereby agree to the following statements and terms of participation in the Super Scientist program:

  • I assert that the child has been examined by a pediatrician and is physically fit to participate in The Super Scientist. 
  • I understand the risks associated with participation in the Super Scientist program and accept responsibility for all medical costs and treatment in the event of accidental injury. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless The Super Scientist, its agents, servants, employees and/or representatives from any and all liability, damages, cost or expense arising out of my child’s participation in The Super Scientist events. 
  • In the event that I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give permission for care to be administered by a qualified The Super Scientist staff member, EMT, physician/staff of a hospital, or any other qualified individual to provide any medical treatment deemed necessary for my child. 
  • The Super Scientist may use photographs and/or videos of my child participating in The Super Scientist sponsored events or classes. 
  • The Super Scientist can contact me via the email address or phone provided at registration.

By clicking “Register” you agree to these terms and conditions

One more step…

In order to complete your registration, you must click the button below and complete the payment process. You will be returned to the Super Scientist website once your payment has been processed.

$50 one-time registration + $60 first month

Please use the same email address that you used in the registration form.